RESOLUTIONS Financial Resolution #45 of 2002 amending the amount for the lease purchase agreement to finance the cost of the landfill dozer. As the result of a typographical error in the vote section of the resolution Councilor Jacobs motioned to table resolution until it was presented correctly, seconded by Councilor Hunter. All were in favor. Corporation Council Tom Leone left the meeting to go to his office and revise the roll call vote section of page three of the ordinance.
Award Resolution #46 of 2002 authorizing award of the Landfill Diesel-Powered Crawler Dozer. Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey vote aye, Mayor Carnicelli absent. PASSED
Agreement Resolution #47 of 2002 authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Beardsley Design Associates for a hazardous materials assessment and a schematic engineering design for Geothermal HVAC project. Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey vote aye, Mayor Carnicelli absent. PASSED
Agreement Resolution #48 of 2002 authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with ESPS/Beardsley Design Group for a playground safety assessment for an amount of $8,600.00. Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey vote aye, Mayor Carnicelli absent. PASSED
Award Resolution #49 of 2002 authorizing award of the Landfill Cover Material contract. Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey vote aye, Mayor Carnicelli absent. PASSED
Council Resolution #50 of 2002 authorizing the Mayor to execute all necessary agreements, certifications or reimbursement request for Federal Air and/or Marchiselli Aid on behalf of the City of Auburn for the South Street Reconstruction Project. Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey vote aye, Mayor Carnicelli absent. PASSED
Council Resolution #51 of 2002 authorizing the Mayor to execute all necessary agreements, certifications or reimbursement request for Federal Air and/or Marchiselli Aid on behalf of the City of Auburn for the North Street Bridge Project. Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey vote aye, Mayor Carnicelli absent. PASSED
At this time Corporation Counsel Tom Leone presented council with a corrected page three of Financial Resolution # 45 of 2002. Councilor Dempsey motioned to take the resolution off the table, seconded by Councilor Jacobs. All in favor. Councilor Jacobs motioned to accept the revised page 3 and vote on Financial Resolution #45 of 2002 with the revision, Councilor Dempsey seconded. Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey vote aye, Mayor Carnicelli absent. PASSED
OTHER BUSINESS Councilor Jacobs asked the City Manager if there was an update on traffic light issue he has asked about. Mr. Salomone reported that the DOT has been contacted and the city is waiting for a reply.
Councilor Jacobs asked Corporation Counsel to prepare a resolution for Council to vote to remove funds from HSBC Bank because he feels they are wrong to evict the Boys Scouts from their building because of their policy against allowing gay men to be scout leaders.
Councilor McNabb recommended that the City Council meeting scheduled for Thursday March 28th begin at 4:30PM due to religious holy day. All agreed.
Motion to adjourn to Executive Session by Councilor Jacobs, seconded by Councilor Dempsey. Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey vote aye, Mayor Carnicelli absent. PASSED
Items to be discussed:
· Employment history of particular persons.
· Land purchase.
Meeting began at 7:35 and ended at 8:25PM